Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sister Maria Celeste

Galileo's daughter played a vital role in the production of his writing. She acted as a brilliant editor for his manuscripts even though she had not had any sort of proper education. She took care of him, doing his laundry, cooking for him, as well as providing medicine for all his ailments. In the convent, she worked in the apothecary, not only making medicines, but also experimenting to find treatments that could benefit everyone. During the breakout of the bubonic plague, Maria sent Galileo a homemade medicine for immunity. Not long after, when Galileo was about to have his trial, Maria gave him smart advice that may have saved his life: be smart, say what they want to hear - just do what you can to avoid being killed.
Sister Maria Celeste took care of Galileo better than any mother or wife. Although she had seen more than her share of hardships at the convent, she remained the picturesque daughter - Galileo's secret weapon.

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