Saturday, February 28, 2009

Francis Bacon

1. Idols of the Tribe - This idol explains that everyone has their own interpretations, so each individual's understanding/comprehension is subconciously intertwined with their own nature, all of which distorts the actual information supposed to be learned.

2. Idols of the Cave - This idol is almost a continuation of the last, as it states that individual biases are created through education.

3. Idols of the Marketplace - This idol explains that because words are imposed according to the level of comprehension the reader has, both the unfit choice of words and the false definitions of them overrule the true message of the writer.

4. Idols of the Theatre - This idol explains several erroneous systems that only promote ideas that better themselves. This is why the Christian West ended up giving reverence to only four or five Greek scholars, ignoring the rest of the world.

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